Our specialists focus on treatment options that provide you with pain relief and a fast recovery.
UHC Thoracic Surgery Services and Treatment:
- Lung cancer minimally-invasive diagnosis, staging, and resection
- Advanced navigational and interventional bronchoscopy
- Endoscopic and minimally-invasive repair of benign esophageal problems (Schatzki ring, Zenker’s diverticulum, Achalasia, and Barrett’s esophagus)
- Full spectrum minimally-invasive repair of GERD, Hiatal hernia, and Congenital diaphragmatic hernias
- Esophageal cancer resection and stenting
- Resection/Reconstruction of chest wall tumors, trauma repair (rib and sternal fractures, slipped rib syndrome), and chest wall deformities
- Thymoma and thymectomy for myasthenia gravis
This Is Where…
Your Heartburn Stops Cold
Our specialists focus on treatment options that provide you with pain relief and a fast recovery.
Get relief from acid reflux and esophageal pain at United Hospital Center Thoracic Surgery where you’ll have access to top specialists and one-of-a-kind procedures.
UHC is one of the few hospitals in the state offering Linx, a simple, minimally invasive laparoscopic procedure for reflux disease.
For more information please call 681-342-4500 or email UHCSlippedRibProgram@wvumedicine.org.
Advanced Practice Providers

Thomas W. Wood